NEWS - Goal 17 Listed in the SE100 Index
Apr 08, 2019
Since the seeds of an innovative idea launched just over 6 months ago, followed by many thousands of hours of focused work - accompanied by a vast amount of fun - we are bowled over to discover that Goal17 has been listed as one of the Top 100 Social Enterprises on the converter SE100 Index.
This comes at a symbolic time as we prepare to now scale and induct new corporate clients to our award-winning IMPACT programme (the UKS number 1 sports-led mentoring programme).
Goal 17 Management wish to thank all our many supporters who have joined our vision to create commercial and social value alongside one another. We have capacity to take on new corporate clients who want to become part of this success and work with us to make an impact in the communities surrounding Premier Leauge Football Clubs, whilst at the same time investing in developing their own people and culture.
Thank you again to all our supporters.