Who would have thought a tin opener could hold such significance?
Mar 08, 2024
Written by our Founder, Fran Boorman
A few weeks ago, I found myself intrigued as three of our mentors casually mentioned tin openers during conversation. Not your typical topic of discussion, right?
As the mentions accumulated, curiosity got the best of me, and I had to ask: what's the story behind the tin opener?
In mentoring, we often encounter the harsh reality of Care Leavers swiftly transitioning into independent adulthood at the tender age of 18, often with minimal support. They have to learn to survive on the tightest of budgets. One of our mentors noticed that the young Care Leaver she was supporting was splurging loads of her valuable cash on takeaways.
Delving deeper, the mentor discovered the underlying reason for her mentee's reliance on takeaways: she simply didn't know how to use a tin opener.
It's easy to overlook the seemingly trivial aspects of everyday life, but for this young woman, the inability to operate a simple kitchen tool became a significant barrier to self-sufficiency. Her admission was tinged with embarrassment, a reflection of the many challenges Care Leavers face in navigating the complexities of adulthood.
Thankfully, her mentor stepped in, offering not just practical guidance but a lifeline of empathy and support. With patience and encouragement, they navigated the intricacies of tin opening together, paving the way for a newfound sense of independence and confidence.
This story serves as a poignant reminder that mentorship transcends mere instruction; it's about compassion, understanding, and a willingness to walk alongside those in need.
Our mentors often grapple with self-doubt, fearing they may not have all the answers. Yet, as this tale illustrates, sometimes it's the simplest gestures that make the most profound impact.
So, to all the incredible mentors out there, remember: it's not about knowing everything; it's about showing up, caring, and lending a helping hand where it's needed most.
Together, we can empower young Care Leavers to overcome obstacles, embrace their potential, and chart a course toward a brighter future.
To read this story published on LinkedIn and to connect with Fran please go to: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/franbglobal_mentoring-careleavers-careexperience-activity-7171784316107104256-Be54?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop