
NEWS - Launch of the National Mentoring Conference

news Feb 07, 2020

Goal 17 are excited to partner with NatWest Bank to host the UK’s first National Mentoring Conference on the 5th June 2020 in London. The day will bring together World leading experts in mentoring to share with senior leaders from some of the UK’s biggest companies, how effective...

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NEWS - Goal 17 Partner with London Irish Foundation

news Jan 20, 2020

Goal 17 were pleased to celebrate an exciting new sports partnership this week with London Irish Rugby Club Foundation. Having previously only supported Football Themed Charities this is an indication of the companies commitment to expand and support other charities who are making a positive...

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NEWS - Goal 17 Named on the Honors Roll at the UK Social Mobility Awards 2019

awards news social mobility Jan 15, 2020

Goal 17 are proud to announced on the Honors Roll of this years UK Social Mobility Awards for the work they are doing in shifting mindsets towards a more diverse work force. They have been named alongside some of the UK’s largest and most highly regarded companies.

UKSOMO 2019 Honor Roll.jpeg

The full...

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INSIGHT - The Intersection of Diversity and Mentoring to Survive the UK Skills Crisis

Uncategorized Dec 09, 2019

There is a skills crisis in the UK – Companies are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit  and hold onto the talent they need. Key shifts in human trends are beginning to threaten the sustainability of so many businesses.


  • The UK...

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INSIGHT - Goal 17 Presents at the Shard - How to Win Multi-Million Pound Contracts

insight Sep 27, 2019

The public sector offers huge opportunities to businesses of all sizes, spending over £200bn annually on goods and services from third parties. But how does your business stand out from the crowd and win a piece of this pie?

In September 2019 Goal 17 were invited by The Institute of...

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NEWS - Goal 17's Founder on the PwC Podcast talking ‘Social Mobility’

Uncategorized Aug 19, 2019



Goal 17’s CEO and Co-Founder, Fran Boorman, was the special guest on the PwC Podcast talking about Social Mobility.

Listen Here:

Recorded at the global firm’s London office, Fran was brought in to share her expertise on the subject and examples of how Goal...

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INSIGHT - Mentoring: The Solder That Connects The Wires On Your Organisational Circuit Board

Uncategorized Aug 19, 2019

Creating effective teams in a business is like getting an electronic circuit board working. If the leader is the spark that creates the energy, then the people are the conductive wires that shoot that force around the organisation to the different functioning components. For our theoretical...

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INSIGHT - Why HR Departments Will Fail in the 2020s, and How Mentoring Can Save the Day!

insights Jul 18, 2019


As we head into the 2020s we are going to see unprecedented changes like not other time in history. Technology is driving change at such a pace that it is becoming hard for our traditional systems and processes to keep up.

With all this fast change there is only...

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NEWS - Goal 17 Featured In Forbes: "The Company Revolutionizing Corporate Social Responsibility"

news Jun 25, 2019

Goal 17 received a full feature article written up in Forbes this month. The article highlighted the work the company are doing to help companies increase their staff engagement and retention through developing a mentoring culture, whilst helping homeless young people. The article highlighted the...

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INSIGHT - 3 Truths About Overrated Leadership - How to embrace the ineffective desire of everyone's need to lead.

insight Jun 17, 2019

Never has there been such a need and hunger for good leadership. Whether that be in politics, our communities or our businesses; everyone is craving for the comfort of inspiring leaders who will take us forward to a better future.

Having spent over a decade building a multi-million-pound...

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